Please list all your toons here (Exact InGame Name, Level, Mode, Class - 1 char per line)
Poseidon. , 33 , Normal , Warrior( I must say something. I used to play on Epi. 3 but then quit, came back now in Epi 4 and am now playing. I am sorry I am not Hard, but I have knowledge of this game, I am willing to help, and I am acumen (Smart))
How much time do you spend on this game (per day / week) ?
You know really I can't say, but I play after I do homework and in my free time.
Since how long are you playing Shaiya, and do you expect to play it for months more ?
Well, as I said above, I took a large gap from Epi. 3- Epi.4, so for I while in both times. Also, to answer the second part, I do very much.
Have you been in any other guild before ? (if yes which one(s) ?)
Yes I have, and I was in FuryisBack's Guild Alpha
Do you know and partied with any of our members ?
I think I once did party with one, and I know Synascape
Can your participate the GRB every saturday at 12pm PST ?
Yes I can.
Do you have or are you willing to make a 30 char dedicated to GRB ?
Yes I am. And I am willing
How do you think we can help you ?
I very much do.
How do you think you can help us ?
You know, internally, I really do.
Post here any other additional info ...
Well, I am slow at leveling because I sometimes help my bro level up.